As Mental Health Awareness Week comes to a close, we wanted to share the wonderful reflections and thoughts from our staff across our offices. We've had an incredible week filled with meaningful conversations and shared positivity, all captured on our prompt wall and an insightful presentation from Utilita Energy about saving energy and money! Here’s a glimpse of what our teams had to say:


🌈 What makes you happy?

"Being outdoors"

"My Family"


"My dogs when I come home"


🧠 What does Mental Health mean to you?

"Self-care and taking a break when needed."

"Supporting others and ourselves."

"Everyone working together!"


💬 What is a quote which changed your life?

"Bravery does not mean you cannot be afraid. It means you go on in spite of it."

"By the sea, all your worries wash away."

"A problem shared is a problem halved."

"What is meant for you won't pass you by"


🤗 What would you say to someone who may be struggling with their Mental Health?

"Take it one day at a time."

"You're not alone."

"Remember, it will pass."

"Don't be afraid of your feelings."


🌱 Name some fantastic resources/charities people can utilise surrounding Mental Health and Wellbeing!

"Talk Liverpool" "SimplyHealth", "Mind", "Samaritans", "Minds Matter"


We’re so proud of our team for their openness and support throughout this week. Let's continue these conversations and support each other beyond Mental Health Awareness Week.