This Wednesday saw our Service Delivery Team Managers and Leaders gathered at Oldham Athletic for a brilliant Away Day learning event focused on all things Ofsted!


The day was filled with productive discussions, with many of the team having the chance to meet and collaborate with colleagues they hadn’t worked with before or catch up with those they don't see regularly. A highlight of the day was definitely the team exercise, which was not only great fun but also revealed some of the competitive streaks among our teams (see some photos below)! 😄


The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and it was fantastic to see such enthusiasm and dedication to delivering the best possible service to our Young People, Adults and Families, leaving us eager for the next Away Day, hopefully early next year! 💙


A huge thank you to our Co-Owners (Nick & Chris), our 2 Head of Service Delivery (Aisling & Dianne) and our 5 Regional Service Managers (Martin, Peter, Debbie, Jodie & Wade) for setting up this fantastic event!


For more photos, see our post on social media:

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