Last week, our Managing Director Nick Thornhill, Operations Director Chris Wareing, and Marketing Executive Megan Gardner, had the honour of participating in the final judging process for the Community Impact Award hosted by the Business Desk!



👏 It was an incredible opportunity to showcase the remarkable efforts of our teams at Bedspace in supporting vulnerable young people in their local communities. Our commitment to making a difference doesn't stop there - we discussed our longstanding involvement in charity work and our sponsorship of local community-based projects. These initiatives are all geared towards providing experiences, growth, and opportunities for young people, helping them thrive.


But that's not all! We also spoke about our new Post-18 Service, a crucial step towards breaking the cycle of homelessness. We believe in going above and beyond and demonstrating that our commitment to support young people doesn't end at 18. We're dedicated to helping them achieve sustainable independence.


🙌 We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Business Desk for hosting us, the award sponsors for their support, and the judges for their insightful questions and engagement during the judging process.


🗓️ Mark your calendars! The final award ceremony is scheduled for October 18th, and we're excited to keep you updated on the outcome! Please send us your well wishes through our social media channels!